A ritual for cleansing and protecting your home.

It is important to remember that we all have magic inside us." J. K Rowling

The magic is within you, so you do not need to follow this ritual word for word. You do not need to use the items suggested if you don’t want to.  Do what works for you!

Things you will need

Incense or a smudge stick Smudge sticks are more commonly used.
Sage, palo santo, or dragon’s blood are the best for cleansing and protecting.
A singing bowl or just your’s or someone else’s hands? Don’t worry, you don’t need to detach them or anything!

white sage smudge stick.
How to light your smudge stick

If you choose to use a smudge stick, light the stick and allow it to catch fire and burn for a while. Once the flame is extinguished, blow gently on the embers to encourage smoke. Make sure you have a fireproof dish to catch the ashes. 

 The ritual

Next, you need to say aloud, with meaning, ‘negative spirits and/or energies are no longer welcome in this home.’ If you wish, you could add, “Spirit of love and light are welcome to stay’.
​Now you really do need to say this with meaning. Think about it: if you want someone to stop doing something, you wouldn’t mutter stop, would you? So speak up and mean it.  Find it a bit awkward shouting out to yourself?  Hey, this is your own home. How many times have you danced alone or sung to yourself? I rest my case!

By the way, the words above are just for guidance; say what you feel comfortable saying, as long as you mean it.

Cleanse each room

Walk around your home, enter every room, and allow the smoke to drift into every corner. Repeat the mantra above, or say what you feel comfortable with. It is worthwhile to open a window or a door somewhere to allow any negative energies or spirits to leave.  If another person is helping you, get them to follow you and use the singing bowl, or have them clap into each of the corners. It will help further disperse the energies. Once you have done the whole house, put out the smudge stick by pressing it carefully onto your dish. Leave it to cool and make sure it is fully extinguished before putting away. If you are using incense, allow it to burn down somewhere safe.

If you are doing this alone, go into each of the rooms either using a singing bowl or clapping your hands to further disperse the energies.

After you have done this, Say aloud something like, ‘ this home is entirely protected by divine love and light as is everyone who lives here’, (you can take the time to name everyone, do not forget your pets!)  

You may need to repeat this process, but leave a week or so before doing this, sometimes things may take longer to settle. 

Please also see the five herbs for your windowsill here