Category: Home and Hearth

  • Spring Equinox: Tips and Rituals.

    Spring Equinox: Tips and Rituals.

    Here are some simple things you can do to celebrate the spring equinox. Now is a good time to nurture new ideas or to set some intentions. What is an equinox? The spring equinox marks the point in time when the sun sits directly over the Earth’s equator. Both hemispheres equally share the sun’s rays…

  • Dark Feminine: A Witch’s Guide to Inner Power

    Dark Feminine: A Witch’s Guide to Inner Power

    Dark feminine energy is a powerful force that transcends gender, inviting everyone to explore the depths of their inner selves. While traditionally associated with women, this energy encompasses qualities that are essential for personal empowerment and transformation. Understanding Dark Feminine Energy Dark feminine energy represents the shadow side of femininity, embodying traits that society often…

  • Celebrating the New Year: Victorian Traditions with a Modern Witchy Twist

    Celebrating the New Year: Victorian Traditions with a Modern Witchy Twist

    As we bid farewell to one year and welcome another, it’s fascinating to look back at how our ancestors marked this transition. The Victorians, in particular, had some intriguing New Year customs that blended superstition, social gatherings, and symbolic rituals. Let’s explore these traditions and see how we can infuse them with a contemporary witchy…

  • A ritual for cleansing and protecting your home.

    A ritual for cleansing and protecting your home.

    Things you will need Incense or a smudge stick Smudge sticks are more commonly used.Sage, palo santo, or dragon’s blood are the best for cleansing and protecting.A singing bowl or just your or someone else’s hands? Don’t worry; you don’t need to detach them or anything! How to light your smudge stick If you choose…

  • “A Christmas Haunting: The Victorian Tradition of Ghost Storytelling”

    “A Christmas Haunting: The Victorian Tradition of Ghost Storytelling”

    During the Victorian era, a peculiar charm enveloped the art of storytelling, particularly through the lens of ghost stories. As winter nights grew long and dark, families gathered around flickering candlelight to share chilling tales that would send shivers down their spines. This tradition blossomed especially around Christmas, transforming the holiday into a time not…

  • How to create a simple winter altar

    How to create a simple winter altar

    As winter settles in, many of us feel a natural pull to create a space that reflects the season’s beauty and energy. A winter altar can serve as a peaceful sanctuary for reflection, intention-setting, and connection to nature. My altar is on top of my writing desk at the moment; I change its location from…

  • A witch’s guide to winter wellbeing.

    A witch’s guide to winter wellbeing.

    As winter approaches, we find ourselves transitioning from the vibrant hues of autumn into the serene embrace of the colder months. This time of year, often associated with introspection and rest, invites us to slow down and reflect on our inner selves. Our ancestors understood the significance of this season, recognising it as a period…

  • The Victorian Gothic Hedge Witch’s Path

    The Victorian Gothic Hedge Witch’s Path

    I was inspired to write this post when someone asked me what being goth meant to me. To be honest, it is not something I have thought about for a very long time. In this post, I am going to discuss how I merge Gothic Victorian charm with hedgewitch craft. The blend of Victorian Gothic…

  • Easy homemade lavender sleep spray.

    Easy homemade lavender sleep spray.

    This is a really simple recipe to make your own lavender sleep spray. Research has suggested that smelling lavender before bed can help promote better sleep. You can mist this spray onto your pillow or around your room before bed. Before we look at how to make the spray, let’s take a quick look at…

  • A witches garden – Lavender  Lavandula.

    If you are just beginning with witchcraft and want to work with herbs, this is the herb you should start with.  Of course, you can buy lavender plants but it is so easy to grow your own and I highly recommend doing this. I have a lavender patch. The scent is just lovely and it…