A witches garden – Lavender Lavandula.
If you are just beginning with witchcraft and want to work with herbs, this is the herb you should start with. Of course, you can buy lavender plants but it is so easy to grow your own and I highly recommend doing this. I have a lavender patch. The scent is just lovely and it…
” How to Connect with energies of Dusk and Dawn”
“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me want to dream.”- Vincent Van Gogh From dusk to dawn As the sun sets below the horizon and twilight covers the land, a mystical change takes place. It is a time when nocturnal creatures come to life and…
A witch’s Garden: Roses
Rose Lore: Myths and Legends. My roses I absolutely adore roses. I have a few growing, and I am hoping to create a small Victorian rose garden soon. My favourite rose is a David Austin one called Munstead Wood. The scent is of old English roses; it’s beautiful. I often use the petals to make…
four must-have herbs for hedgewitches
Lavender If you are just beginning with witchcraft and want to work with herbs, this is the herb you should start with. Of course, you can buy lavender plants but it is so easy to grow your own and I highly recommend doing this. See below for where you can get seeds. Good for- Roses…
Beltane: History & How to Celebrate.
Beltane is a fire festival. The word ‘Beltane’ originates from the Celtic God ‘Bel’, meaning ‘the bright one’ and the Gaelic word ‘teine’, meaning fire. Spring has reached its peak and summer is now on its way. Who is Bel? Belenus, or Bel, was a very popular Celtic god. Despite this, not a lot is known…
Exploring the Folklore of Apple Blossoms and Apples in Witchcraft
In the realm of witchcraft, the apple tree holds a special place of reverence and significance. From the delicate beauty of its blossoms to the nourishing fruit it bears, the apple tree is steeped in symbolism, folklore, and magical properties that have captivated practitioners for centuries. In astrology, the apple is associated with the planet…
Easter- Celebrate the witches’ way.
Here are a few ideas to help celebrate easter. Get out in nature. Always be careful when foraging, take a good guide so you know what you are looking for. Foraging: The Essential Guide to Free Wild Food: A practical guide to finding and preparing free wild food is a good one. Or check out…
Spring Equinox: Tips and Rituals.
Here are some simple things you can do to celebrate the spring equinox. Now is a good time to nurture new ideas or to set some intentions. What is an equinox? The spring equinox marks the point in time when the sun sits directly over the Earth’s equator. Both hemispheres equally share the sun’s rays…
A Witch’s Garden: The Mystical Charms of Camellias.
Camellias stand out as a flower steeped in mystery and enchantment. These blooms are revered for their potent energies in wealth, abundance, and prosperity. With their dark evergreen glossy leaves and a stunning array of colours, they are very striking. I added some to my own garden last year and they are just starting to…
5 Witch’s Windowsill Herbs.
Below is a list of five herbs that are easy to grow. If you do not have an outdoor space, they grow well inside on a windowsill. You can add them not only to your witchy recipes but also to your rituals. Lavender. This herb has so many uses, from cooking to DIY household cleaners.…