Category: Rituals

  • Oak Trees and Acorns in Witchcraft: A Deep Dive into Celtic History.

    Oak Trees and Acorns in Witchcraft: A Deep Dive into Celtic History.

    Oak trees and acorns have long held a revered place in Celtic history and modern witchcraft practices. These mighty symbols of strength and potential offer a wealth of magical applications for those who seek to harness their power. Celtic History and Deities The oak tree held immense significance in Celtic culture, often considered the king…

  • How to Harness the Power of the Full Moon

    How to Harness the Power of the Full Moon

    The full moon has long been associated with mystical and spiritual significance. The moon’s energy is at its peak, making it an ideal time for various rituals and practices. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of making moon water during a full moon and provide other things you can do to harness the…

  • A Guide to Forest Bathing

    A Guide to Forest Bathing

    Forest bathing, or “Shinrin-yoku,” is a practice that offers profound benefits for both the body and spirit. For hedgewitches and witches alike, it provides an opportunity to connect with the natural world, commune with animals, and work with elemental energies. This guide will walk you through the essentials of forest bathing and walking in a…

  • Full Moon Rituals

    Full Moon Rituals

    Full Moon Rituals RELEASE what you no longer need The full moon is the best time to release anything you no longer need. This could be anything from lower energies from negative events that have recently happened, toxic people, and negative patterns you may have fallen into. Let it go: A burn ritual Things you…

  • A witch’s Garden: Roses

    A witch’s Garden: Roses

    Rose Lore: Myths and Legends. My roses I absolutely adore roses. I have a few growing, and I am hoping to create a small Victorian rose garden soon. My favourite rose is a David Austin one called Munstead Wood. The scent is of old English roses; it’s beautiful. I often use the petals to make…

  • Embracing the Wild: A Hedgewitch’s Journey to Communing with Nature’s Spirits”

    Embracing the Wild: A Hedgewitch’s Journey to Communing with Nature’s Spirits”

    One of the most important aspects of hedge witchcraft, or indeed any witchcraft practice, is developing a relationship with the spirits that dwell in your local environment. These spirits can be found in the trees, rivers, woodlands, even the local park and other natural features of the land. By taking the time to connect with…

  • Beltane: History & How to Celebrate.

    Beltane: History & How to Celebrate.

    Beltane is a fire festival. The word ‘Beltane’ originates from the Celtic God ‘Bel’, meaning ‘the bright one’ and the Gaelic word ‘teine’, meaning fire. Spring has reached its peak and summer is now on its way. Who is Bel? Belenus, or Bel, was a very popular Celtic god. Despite this, not a lot is known…

  • Exploring the Folklore of Apple Blossoms and Apples in Witchcraft

    Exploring the Folklore of Apple Blossoms and Apples in Witchcraft

    In the realm of witchcraft, the apple tree holds a special place of reverence and significance. From the delicate beauty of its blossoms to the nourishing fruit it bears, the apple tree is steeped in symbolism, folklore, and magical properties that have captivated practitioners for centuries. In astrology, the apple is associated with the planet…

  • Easter- Celebrate the witches’ way.

    Easter- Celebrate the witches’ way.

    Here are a few ideas to help celebrate easter. Get out in nature. Always be careful when foraging, take a good guide so you know what you are looking for. Foraging: The Essential Guide to Free Wild Food: A practical guide to finding and preparing free wild food is a good one. Or check out…

  • Easter the Pagan way.

    Easter the Pagan way.

    Easter Traditions and Histories. Here are a few examples of pagan traditions. There are many, you may like to do your own research. The Pagan Book of Days may be a good place to start. Ostara orgins. The Sabbat or festival of Ostara is relatively modern. it was Aiden Kelly, who gave names to the Litha,…