Category: Samhain

  • Shadow work Samhain Ritual.

    Shadow work Samhain Ritual.

    Samhain is a time when we face the darker side of things, death, honouring our ancestors. spirit communication, a tradition that has been followed in many different ways in years gone by. Samhain brought the Celtic year to a close. It is an ideal time to connect with our shadow selves, to face our fears.…

  • Samhain Traditions – The silent supper.

    Samhain Traditions – The silent supper.

    The silent supper, or ‘Dumb supper’, was traditionally held at Samhain to honour the dead. At Samhain, the veil between this world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. The silent supper is a meal eaten in silence. It is believed to be a tradition from the British Isles. Traditionally a place at the…

  • Samhain- hints and tips.

    Samhain- hints and tips.

    Samhain is the final of four fire festivals in the Celtic wheel of the year, the other three are, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh. For many Pagans, it brings to a close the year and the start of a new cycle. Life, death and rebirth. Samhain marks the midpoint between the autumn and the winter Solstices. It is…