Shadow work Samhain Ritual.

Samhain is a time when we face the darker side of things, death, honouring our ancestors. spirit communication, a tradition that has been followed in many different ways in years gone by.

Samhain brought the Celtic year to a close. It is an ideal time to connect with our shadow selves, to face our fears.

Below is a ritual to connect with your shadow self. We will not be going too deep, we are just looking at the past year, particularly the things you have struggled with, the aim is to bring more light into yourself for the new year ahead.

Things you will need.

You will need one white candle and one black candle. If you do not have these it does not matter. Use any candles you have.  Your journal if you keep one, a pen, a notebook.

This ritual is best done in low-level lighting. Make sure you are not going to be disturbed in any way. It may be a good idea to do this late at night. Make sure all tech is turned off.

Shadow Work Ritual.

Let the darkness fold around you.

Light your black candle first and think about the past year. You may wish to read your journal if you have one. What have you learned? What did you struggle with? What have you had to deal with

Take your time over this.

When you are ready, blow out the black candle.

Next, light the white candle and think about the new year.

Think about how you can improve.

How can you overcome any struggles?

What can you do to help yourself?

Take your time and write down your ideas.

Feel positive and loving energy surrounding you.

When you are filled with positive energy and hope, blow out your candle.

Read other Samhain articles here.

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