Category: Herb Magic

  • A ritual for cleansing and protecting your home.

    A ritual for cleansing and protecting your home.

    Things you will need Incense or a smudge stick Smudge sticks are more commonly used.Sage, palo santo, or dragon’s blood are the best for cleansing and protecting.A singing bowl or just your or someone else’s hands? Don’t worry; you don’t need to detach them or anything! How to light your smudge stick If you choose…

  • Easy homemade lavender sleep spray.

    Easy homemade lavender sleep spray.

    This is a really simple recipe to make your own lavender sleep spray. Research has suggested that smelling lavender before bed can help promote better sleep. You can mist this spray onto your pillow or around your room before bed. Before we look at how to make the spray, let’s take a quick look at…

  • A witches garden – Lavender  Lavandula.

    If you are just beginning with witchcraft and want to work with herbs, this is the herb you should start with.  Of course, you can buy lavender plants but it is so easy to grow your own and I highly recommend doing this. I have a lavender patch. The scent is just lovely and it…

  • A witch’s Garden: Roses

    A witch’s Garden: Roses

    Rose Lore: Myths and Legends. My roses I absolutely adore roses. I have a few growing, and I am hoping to create a small Victorian rose garden soon. My favourite rose is a David Austin one called Munstead Wood. The scent is of old English roses; it’s beautiful. I often use the petals to make…

  • four must-have herbs for hedgewitches

    four must-have herbs for hedgewitches

    Lavender If you are just beginning with witchcraft and want to work with herbs, this is the herb you should start with.  Of course, you can buy lavender plants but it is so easy to grow your own and I highly recommend doing this. See below for where you can get seeds. Good for- Roses…

  • 5 Witch’s Windowsill Herbs.

    5 Witch’s Windowsill Herbs.

    Below is a list of five herbs that are easy to grow. If you do not have an outdoor space, they grow well inside on a windowsill. You can add them not only to your witchy recipes but also to your rituals. Lavender. This herb has so many uses, from cooking to DIY household cleaners.…