Category: Myths & legends

  • Exploring the Folklore of Apple Blossoms and Apples in Witchcraft

    Exploring the Folklore of Apple Blossoms and Apples in Witchcraft

    In the realm of witchcraft, the apple tree holds a special place of reverence and significance. From the delicate beauty of its blossoms to the nourishing fruit it bears, the apple tree is steeped in symbolism, folklore, and magical properties that have captivated practitioners for centuries. In astrology, the apple is associated with the planet…

  • Strange Christmas Tales and Traditions.

    Strange Christmas Tales and Traditions.

    When we think of a time when scary tales are told, we instantly think of Halloween. However, this has not always been the case. Christmas also had its own share of spooky stories. The Wild Hunt There is a particular tale that has been told in many different forms across the world. It was simply…

  • The spirits of Loftus Hall – Part two.

    The spirits of Loftus Hall – Part two.

    In part one, we looked at the Legend of Loftus Hall which involved Anne Tottenham.  If you have not read Part one click here. Do ghostly goings-on still happen at Loftus Hall?  It seems so. But before we look into that, I think we need to take a quick look into the history of the…

  • The legend of Loftus Hall- Part one

    The legend of Loftus Hall- Part one

    This is the tale of Loftus hall, which is located in Hooks head, County Wexford, Ireland. See the video of the legend first, then below, we will discuss all the facts we know and possible theories. See here for more on the spirits of Loftus Hall.  As with many legends like the one above there…

  • Bolingbroke Castle and the shape-shifting witch.

    Bolingbroke Castle and the shape-shifting witch.

    Bolingbroke Castle. After coming back from a day trip to the seaside, we saw a sign for Bolingbroke Castle and decided to take a look. Bolingbroke Castle is located in Old Bolingbroke, Lincolnshire, England. A brief history. The Saxons first fortified the area in the 6th and 7th centuries. The 12th century saw the Normans build…

  • The Green Children Of Woolpit

    The Green Children Of  Woolpit

    In the 12th century, two children appeared mysteriously in a sleepy village in England.There was something very peculiar about the children, they both had green skin! The Green Children ​Our story begins in the village of Woolpit. From documented accounts of the story, we can conclude that the event happened between 1135-1154. The mysterious arrival…