Category: Witchcraft

  • Mother Shipton- Prophet, Witch, Herbalist.

    Mother Shipton- Prophet, Witch, Herbalist.

    Perhaps you have been to Mother Shipton’s cave in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, but do you know anything about Mother Shipton’s life and legacy? Much of her story is steeped in legend and folklore; it is hard to be sure what is true and what is not. However, there are many sources that do indicate she…

  • Lughnasadh – History, Myth and Traditions

    Lughnasadh – History, Myth and Traditions

    Lughnasadh is also known as Lammas or First Harvest, and the last of the four Celtic fire festivals. Lughnasadh is Irish Gaelic for “Commemoration of Lugh”.   The god Lugh’s name means ‘light’ and ‘brightness’. Despite the festival bearing his name, Lugh started the festival in honour of his foster mother, Tailtiu. She is Goddess,  of…

  • The Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem witch trials began on March 1, 1692. Authorities charged three women, Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and a slave woman named Tituba, with witchcraft. The Salem witch trials—a brief outline The mass hysteria began when two young girls began having strange fits. The doctors could not explain what was happening. It was a time…

  • 5 Witch’s Windowsill Herbs.

    5 Witch’s Windowsill Herbs.

    Below is a list of five herbs that are easy to grow. If you do not have an outdoor space, they grow well inside on a windowsill. You can add them not only to your witchy recipes but also to your rituals. Lavender. This herb has so many uses, from cooking to DIY household cleaners.…

  • How to Harness Your Intention.

    How to Harness Your Intention.

    Treading the path of witchcraft is to dance on the threshold where the mundane and magical intertwine—a journey that evolves with each step taken. Whether you’re casting your first circle or you’re a seasoned practitioner, the core of our craft always returns to the fundamental art of harnessing our innate power and directing our intention. …

  • A witch’s guide to protection.

    A witch’s guide to protection.

    Everybody experiences occasional negative emotions or a feeling of something negative going on around them. especially when it seems like a succession of unpleasant or negative events have occurred one after the other. Negative coincidences do happen sometimes; most of the time, this is due to our own low energy. However, occasionally we may get a…

  • Self Love Jar Ritual.

    Self Love Jar Ritual.

    We all need to take time out to focus. Here is a simple self-love jar ritual to help create more self-love in your life. Things you will need. A pink or green candle, but the colour does not matter! – both pink and green are good for love. A Jar which has a lid. Three…

  • A witchs way to make a few pounds.

    A witchs way to make a few pounds.

    The more you work, the more you will make. You are not going to make millions. But you could make an extra bit of pocket money to buy spell materials, coffee, or a bottle of wine. The fact is, the more you do, the more you will earn. It’s a good way to show the…