Category: Rituals

  • Easter the Pagan way.

    Easter the Pagan way.

    Easter Traditions and Histories. Here are a few examples of pagan traditions. There are many, you may like to do your own research. The Pagan Book of Days may be a good place to start. Ostara orgins. The Sabbat or festival of Ostara is relatively modern. it was Aiden Kelly, who gave names to the Litha,…

  • Spring Equinox: Tips and Rituals.

    Spring Equinox: Tips and Rituals.

    Here are some simple things you can do to celebrate the spring equinox. Now is a good time to nurture new ideas or to set some intentions. What is an equinox? The spring equinox marks the point in time when the sun sits directly over the Earth’s equator. Both hemispheres equally share the sun’s rays…

  • A Witch’s Garden: The Mystical Charms of Camellias.

    A Witch’s Garden: The Mystical Charms of Camellias.

    Camellias stand out as a flower steeped in mystery and enchantment. These blooms are revered for their potent energies in wealth, abundance, and prosperity. With their dark evergreen glossy leaves and a stunning array of colours, they are very striking. I added some to my own garden last year and they are just starting to…

  • The Shadow Self: Exploring the Depths of the Psyche in Witchcraft

    The Shadow Self: Exploring the Depths of the Psyche in Witchcraft

    “Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.” – Carl Jung. Rooted in the depths of the psyche, the shadow self represents the hidden, repressed, and often misunderstood aspects of our being. Many witches recognise the importance of delving into the shadows to uncover hidden truths, heal past wounds, and integrate all parts of…

  • Valentine’s Day and Self-Love: A Witch’s Guide to Nurture the Inner You

    Valentine’s Day and Self-Love: A Witch’s Guide to Nurture the Inner You

    As Valentine’s Day approaches, the world is filled with red hearts, roses, and declarations of love. While this holiday may be traditionally focused on romantic relationships, it’s important to remember that love is not limited to just one type of relationship. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this guide will offer valuable tips…

  • Harnessing the Power of the New Moon: A ritual

    Harnessing the Power of the New Moon: A ritual

    New moons are the rebirth point in the moon’s cycle.  Now is a good time to set yourself a new goal or manifest something you would like to bring in. Work with the moon’s phases.  When the moon is full, assess how far you have come. Just remember, you cannot just do a ritual or…

  • A witch’s guide to winter wellbeing.

    A witch’s guide to winter wellbeing.

    As winter approaches, we can draw inspiration from the wisdom of our ancestors to enhance our wellbeing during this season. Our predecessors understood the importance of embracing the rhythms of the seasons. Let’s take a look at a few ideas. Embrace the Power of Rest Winter is a time of hibernation and introspection. Our ancestors…

  • Embracing the Magic of the Winter Solstice: A Witch’s Guide

    Embracing the Magic of the Winter Solstice: A Witch’s Guide

    The winter solstice usually falls on December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and on June 20th or 21st in the Southern Hemisphere. However, it’s important to note that these dates may vary slightly depending on the year and location. The solstice occurs when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is farthest away from…

  • Cleansing Bath Ritual

    Cleansing Bath Ritual

    .In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it is easy to neglect our own needs and prioritise the needs of others. However, self-care is not selfish; it is a vital practice that allows us to recharge, reduce stress, and prevent burnout. In a world filled with hustle and bustle, it is essential to carve out moments…

  • Friday Night Release Ritual

    Friday Night Release Ritual

    🌙 Friday Night Release Ritual 🌙 You’ll need: 1. A piece of paper 2. Your diary or special book where you can write any goals or intentions 2. A pen 3. A fireproof bowl 4. A lighter or matches Instructions: 1. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. You will not need long.…