Category: Rituals

  • A ritual for cleansing and protecting your home.

    A ritual for cleansing and protecting your home.

    It is important to remember that we all have magic inside us.” J. K Rowling The magic is within you, so you do not need to follow this ritual word for word. You do not need to use the items suggested if you don’t want to.  Do what works for you! Things you will need…

  • Shadow work Samhain Ritual.

    Shadow work Samhain Ritual.

    Samhain is a time when we face the darker side of things, death, honouring our ancestors. spirit communication, a tradition that has been followed in many different ways in years gone by. Samhain brought the Celtic year to a close. It is an ideal time to connect with our shadow selves, to face our fears.…

  • Samhain Traditions – The silent supper.

    Samhain Traditions – The silent supper.

    The silent supper, or ‘Dumb supper’, was traditionally held at Samhain to honour the dead. At Samhain, the veil between this world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. The silent supper is a meal eaten in silence. It is believed to be a tradition from the British Isles. Traditionally a place at the…

  • Lughnasadh – History, Myth and Traditions

    Lughnasadh – History, Myth and Traditions

    Lughnasadh is also known as Lammas or First Harvest, and the last of the four Celtic fire festivals. Lughnasadh is Irish Gaelic for “Commemoration of Lugh”.   The god Lugh’s name means ‘light’ and ‘brightness’. Despite the festival bearing his name, Lugh started the festival in honour of his foster mother, Tailtiu. She is Goddess,  of…

  • 5 Witch’s Windowsill Herbs.

    5 Witch’s Windowsill Herbs.

    Below is a list of five herbs that are easy to grow. If you do not have an outdoor space, they grow well inside on a windowsill. You can add them not only to your witchy recipes but also to your rituals. Lavender. This herb has so many uses, from cooking to DIY household cleaners.…

  • A witch’s guide to protection.

    A witch’s guide to protection.

    Everybody experiences occasional negative emotions or a feeling of something negative going on around them. especially when it seems like a succession of unpleasant or negative events have occurred one after the other. Negative coincidences do happen sometimes; most of the time, this is due to our own low energy. However, occasionally we may get a…

  • Rituals and Tips for Imbolc.

    Rituals and Tips for Imbolc.

    Rituals and Tips for Imbolc. Imbolc tips Try your hand at fire scrying.  You can do this using a candle, even better if you are lucky enough to have a fire pit or log burner.  Note down what images you see.  Cleanse your altar and give everywhere an early spring clean. See A Ritual for…

  • Self Love Jar Ritual.

    Self Love Jar Ritual.

    We all need to take time out to focus. Here is a simple self-love jar ritual to help create more self-love in your life. Things you will need. A pink or green candle, but the colour does not matter! – both pink and green are good for love. A Jar which has a lid. Three…