Rituals and Tips for Imbolc.
Imbolc tips
Try your hand at fire scrying. You can do this using a candle, even better if you are lucky enough to have a fire pit or log burner. Note down what images you see.
Cleanse your altar and give everywhere an early spring clean. See A Ritual for protecting and cleansing your home. http://hedgewitch-journals.com/a-ritual-for-cleansing-and-potecting-you-home/
Try your hand at making a Brigid corn dolly
Visit a water source– stream, river or well. Brigid is linked to wells and healing waters.
Take a cleansing bath- try adding lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, sage- oil or herb form. Add rose petals too.
Easy Imbolc healing & cleansing ritual.
Things you will need.
- white candles or any colour you have lying around, tea light are great too.
- sage incense or smudge stick
- Your journal or book of shadows and pen.
Make sure you will not be disturbed. Ground your energies before you begin.
Light your candles, tea lights will be fine. focus on the flame.
if you have any negative emotions, acknowledge them. Can they be healed or released in any way?
Do you feel there is anything toxic in your life? Can you work to remove it?
imagine, surrounding yourself with white light. Cleanse yourself with the sage if you wish or take a cleansing bath.
Take some time to journal your thoughts and feelings. The good and the bad, but end with your inspirations and goals.
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