Samhain Traditions – The silent supper.

The silent supper, or ‘Dumb supper’, was traditionally held at Samhain to honour the dead. At Samhain, the veil between this world and the spirit world is at its thinnest.

The silent supper is a meal eaten in silence. It is believed to be a tradition from the British Isles.

Traditionally a place at the table is set for spirit and departed loved ones. Food and drink are served to empty seats.

If you want to hold your own silent supper you could do this by candlelight to add to the atmosphere. Cook your favourite autumn dish.

Samhan foods.

Seasonal Vegetables

Potatoes- Especially Jacket potatoes


Pumpkin soup.

I highly recommend the following books for recipe ideas.

After you have had your silent supper you may wish to do an honouring of your ancestor’s ritual, see here for more on this.

Or, you may wish to do some shadow work see here.

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