St Philip’s Church Charleston, South Carolina, USA- Paranormal Photos.

The gates to  St Philip’s cemetery

The two paranormal photos we are going to take a look at today were both taken at the graveyard of St. Philip’s Church in Charleston, which is in South Carolina, USA.

The first photo was taken by amateur photographer Harry Reynolds. On June 10th 1987. The photo shows a figure that appears to be kneeling over a grave.​

Does the photo show a figure kneeling over a grave?

Reynolds personally sent the photo and the negatives to Kodak. On examining and testing the photo, Kodak could not explain or disprove what was seen.

Ghost tours stop by the graveyard. Often, on these tours, the Reynolds photo is handed around. Some witnesses who handled the photo claimed to have a strange feeling; furthermore, pregnant women claim to feel sick and sometimes feel they are being choked, which is odd!

Next, we move on to the second and very recent photo. Interestingly, this particular photo was taken by Cassie Alexis Lahn while she was on a ghost tour in 2022.

Does this photo show a figure walking among the graves?

The figure in this photo appears to have its head bowed and is walking among the graves.

A tragic tale.

The grave shown in the first photo belongs to a lady, Sue Howard Walker Hardy. There is a sad and tragic tale attached to this lady.

Sue and her husband, Gaston Hardy, lived locally and attended services at St. Philips.

In 1888, 29-year-old Sue was pregnant with her first child. The child, believed to be a daughter, was sadly stillborn on 10th June 1888. To add further tragedy, on the 16th of June, Sue herself passed away, possibly due to complications from childbirth.

Has sue Howard Walker Hardy been photographed?

Many believe that the first photo was of Sue mourning the loss of her child. Harry Reynolds, the photographer, claimed he had taken the photo on the 10th of June 1987. The exact anniversary of the death of Sue’s baby. The second photo added more fuel to the mystery.  Cassie Alexis Lahn claimed that she took this photo as she was being told the tragic tale of Sue.

The church itself refused to acknowledge the photo or any kind of stories of ghosts. What are your thoughts, let us know here.

I have not read many books on Haunted America. But I have read many books on Ed and Lorraine Warren. Whatever your views on the couple they did an extensive amount of work on the paranormal.